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About KSID

KSID was founded in 1991, with the purpose of achieving scientific excellence in dermatological research,
science communication and supporting career development of cutaneous biologists
from academia and industry, both domestic and overseas.

  • KSID’s activities include annual scientific meeting in the spring, annual research camp in the fall, and publishing its official journal, Annals of Dermatology.
    Our annual scientific meeting is held in late March or early April of every year. Its official language is English since 2009. The scientific program includes invited lectures and research presentations either in oral or poster forms. Since 1999, KSID awards the prestigious Uam Academic Award to one established researcher every year, selected by the scientific committee. This award was started by the generous endowment by late Professor Young Pio Kim who passed away in 2013.
    KSID also holds an annual research camp in the fall since 2009. It’s deliberately held in a remote, rural location. The dress code is casual, and beer and barbeque is always included. The purpose of the camp is to foster exchange of ideas, encourage collaboration and friendship/mentorship among researchers, young and old, who are passionate about investigative dermatology and cutaneous biology. As such, active lively discussion is an integral part of the camp.
    Since 2010, the official journal of KSID has been Annals of Dermatology, published jointly with Korean Dermatological Association. The Journal is issued bimonthly (6 times a year). It’s indexed in science citation index expanded.
  • KSID’s membership is open to Korean or overseas dermatologists in academia and clinical practice, researchers in the field of dermatology or cutaneous biology, either in academia or industry, and dermatology residents and students.
    Membership categories consist of regular members who paid annual membership fee, lifetime members who paid a one-time lifetime membership fee, overseas members, honorary members and group members.
    Since 2016, KSID officially became a regular ISID (International Society for Investigative Dermatology) member, which was founded in 2013 by SID, ESDR and JSID, and share the goals and values of ISID.
  • 06351 서울특별시 강남구 일원로 81 삼성서울병원 피부과
  • E-mail : ksidksid@naver.comTEL : 02-6671-1373
  • Copyright ⓒ 1991 The Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology. All Rights Reserved.